Regulated ReportingBack
Government funded and not-for-profit agencies often obtain their operating budgets from various government departments. Shelters, crisis help lines, employment and support groups and many others are some examples. In most cases, funding qualification requires that some sort of regulated reporting of activites is submitted to the governing body in order to continue to receive funding. If this sounds like where you work, there is help. We have built systems that have helped to dramatically reduce the time and work required to produce and submit the required reports. An added benefit is that and at the same time have helped streamline records.
Another area where regulated reporting is important is related to training. Most companies now are required to prove that their employees have recieved training in WHMIS, disability training, and health and safety. A dynamic website can help you not only get your people trained, but can also make sure that your company has a compliant record of that training. We'll talk more about this in the e-learning section.
Here are some things to think about if you are considering building a site that helps you produce reports for regulated agencies:
- security is critical
- what are your current report requirements?
- how much time will you potentially save by automating the reports?
- how will you gather the data that you need to produce the reports?
- will multiple people need access to the report system?
- can any of the current reports be eliminated?
- how often do the reports need to be produced?
- will it be private or public (ie. should the website be "hidden" from the public?)